ClimatePartner-certified company

Climate protection with certificate

ClimatePartner-certified company

In concrete terms, this means that Brangs + Heinrich participates in national and international climate protection projects to help offset climate-relevant emissions.

We are ClimatePartner certified!

We obtain annual certification from ClimatePartner to determine our CO₂ emissions, identify avoidable consumption and contribute to offsetting unavoidable emissions.

We achieve this by participating in national and international climate protection projects.

This contribution demonstrates our commitment to climate protection and emphasises our commitment to sustainability. We have been a ClimatePartner-certified company since August 2021.

Certificate More info


The five steps of corporate climate protection

1. calculate CO₂ footprint

Together with ClimatePartner, we have calculated our company's carbon footprint. The calculation is based on the leading standards of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and the international standards of ISO. Our footprint includes all emissions from Scope 1 and 2 as well as most of those from Scope 3. You can find out more below.

2. set reduction targets

In addition to the level of CO₂ emissions, our CCF shows us where they are mainly generated and where we can avoid or reduce emissions. To do this, we define reduction targets and derive reduction measures from these.

3. reduce emissions

We have introduced and continuously implement reduction measures in line with our reduction targets. We also update our CCF annually. This allows us to maintain an overview of our success in reducing emissions and recognise further levers.

4. finance climate protection projects

However, there are always remaining emissions that we are currently unable to avoid. We take responsibility for these emissions by financially supporting an internationally certified climate protection project from the ClimatePartner portfolio.

5. communicate transparently

You can track our certification transparently via the ClimatePartner-certified label and the associated Climate ID website. There you can find out, for example, which category is certified, which CO₂ emissions we take into account, which targets we are committed to, which reduction measures we implement and more about the climate protection projects we finance.

What is the CO₂ footprint?

The carbon footprint refers to the total emissions of greenhouse gases caused by a company, a private individual, a product or a service.

A product carbon footprint always refers to the life cycle of a product. The functional unit describes what exactly is being analysed. The system boundaries indicate which life cycle phases and processes are taken into account in the product carbon footprint.

The emissions are calculated over a defined period of time – usually one year or the duration of an event or the service life of a product. They serve as an assessment basis for defining and implementing reduction measures. These emissions are also used to calculate the contribution to offsetting. Emissions that are considered unavoidable are to be offset. The climate protection projects must be internationally recognised.

We calculate the carbon footprint of our company and our products in accordance with the GHG Protocol through the ClimatePartner organisation.

What is the CO₂ footprint?

Footprint according to GHG Protocol

The GHG Protocol is an internationally recognised standard for the accounting of corporate emissions. It was developed by the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD).

Greenhouse gas emissions are categorised into three scopes:

  • Scope 1: Direct emissions generated within the company
  • Scope 2: Indirect emissions from purchased energy
  • Scope 3: All indirect emissions caused by upstream and downstream processes such as raw materials, logistics, use and disposal
    CO₂ emissions resulting from the use of packaging belong to Scope 3.

Our climate protection project

Green energy for Africa

To offset our CO₂ emissions, we support a recognised and certified climate protection project: For more green energy in Africa

The African continent faces many social, economic, health and environmental challenges. The transition to an energy system based on renewable sources such as wind, solar and hydropower is the key to sustainable development. This can mitigate the effects of climate change and give everyone access to clean and affordable energy.

Africa’s energy demand could double in the next ten years and the current grid is mainly fuelled by emission-intensive energy sources such as coal. ‘We need to end the ‘addiction to fossil fuels’, as UN Secretary-General Guterres puts it, ’to significantly reduce CO₂ emissions, especially in the energy sector.’ It is therefore crucial to promote the expansion of sustainable energy.

Projects for more green energy on the African continent can help to end energy poverty, stabilise the grids and reduce energy dependency. Brangs + Heinrich supports this endeavour with the ClimatePartner certification and the project For more green energy in Africa

Further explanations on climate protection


Unternehmen, Prozesse und Produkte durften sich in der Vergangenheit als klimaneutral bezeichnen, wenn ihre Treibhausgas-Emissionen berechnet und mit Klimaschutzprojekten “ausgeglichen” wurden. Was für die einen ein löbliches Engagement für die Umwelt war, nutzten andere lediglich als Gelegenheit, ihre vermeidbaren umweltschädlichen Praktiken reinzuwaschen und damit fortführen zu können. Dies wurde als “Greenwashing” kritisiert und der Begriff “klimaneutral” als dementsprechend irreführend bewertet.

Heute redet man vom Klimabeitrag. Das Bewusstsein über den eigenen CO₂-Fußabdruck, das verantwortungsvolle Engagement zum ressourcenschonenden Handeln und die Unterstützung von Klimaschutzprojekten sind geblieben. Brangs + Heinrich fühlt sich dem weiter in vollem Umfang verpflichtet.

Klimaschutzprojekte tragen zur Reduzierung von Treibhausgasen bei und fördern gleichzeitig eine nachhaltige Entwicklung in den Projektländern. Sie müssen vier Kriterien erfüllen: Zusätzlichkeit, Ausschluss von Doppelzählung, Dauerhaftigkeit und regelmäßige Überprüfung durch unabhängige Dritte.

Der CCF ist die CO₂-Bilanz eines Unternehmens und wird nach den Standards des Greenhouse Gas Protocols berechnet.

Ein „Product Carbon Footprint“ bezieht sich immer auf den Lebenszyklus eines Produktes. Die funktionale Einheit beschreibt dabei, was genau betrachtet wird. Die Systemgrenzen geben an, welche Lebenszyklusphasen und Prozesse beim Product Carbon Footprint berücksichtigt werden.

Offizielle Webseite der UN

Die SDGs sind 17 Ziele für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung, die von den Mitgliedsstaaten der Vereinten Nationen verabschiedet wurden.

Offizielle Webseite

Bei der Berechnung von CCFs und PCFs werden alle Treibhausgase, die nach dem Kyoto-Protokoll relevant sind, in CO₂-Äquivalente umgerechnet.

Das Pariser Abkommen von 2015 verpflichtet 196 Nationen zur Bekämpfung der globalen Erwärmung ab 2020.

Das Kyoto-Protokoll von 1997 legt verbindliche Zielwerte für den Ausstoß von Treibhausgasen in Industrieländern fest.

Der europäische Grüne Deal ist ein Fahrplan zur Schaffung einer nachhaltigen EU-Wirtschaft bis 2050.

Das europäische Klimagesetz verankert rechtlich das Ziel, dass die Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft Europas bis 2050 klimaneutral werden.

Das GHG Protocol ist ein international anerkannter Standard für die Bilanzierung von Unternehmensemissionen.